Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MUST SEE! 清明上河圖動畫--video inside the squares

Received this from my girlfriend this morning. Sharing here with everybody. Enjoy.

Along the river during the Ching-Ming FestivalBriefly translated : This painting was originally painted during the Northern Song Dynasty, 1085-1145. It was repainted again during the Qing Dynasty. It is measured 528cm. in width and 24.8cm. in height. It is considered as one of the Great Treasure of China and was exhibited in the Hong Kong Museum of Art last year.

Unfortunately I had already left for Chicago and therefore was unable to attend. What a pity.
But now, thanks for this email, I am able to see it and am sharing it with friends.Please control the speed of movement with your mouse and place the cursor in the centre if you want it to stop.
There are 3 squares in the painting. Click on each squares and a videos will start with music and sound which are very charming.

Hope my translation will help you understand and enjoy this piece of Treasure. 清明上河圖動畫--video inside the squares

點激下面方框架可進入觀看 泡杯茶,好好欣賞一下 清明上河圖》的原畫長528公分,高24.8公分,最早的版本屬於北宋畫家張擇端(1085-1145)的作品,現今典藏在北京的故宮博物院。該圖描繪了清明時節北宋京城汴梁及汴河兩岸的繁華和熱鬧的景象和優美的自然風光。作品以長捲形式,採用散點透視的構圖法,將繁雜的景物納入統一而富於變化的畫捲中,畫中主要分開兩部份,一部份是農村,另一部是市集。畫中有814人,牲畜60多匹,船隻28艘,房屋樓宇30多棟,車20輛,轎8頂,樹木170多棵,往來衣著不同,神情各異,栩栩如生,其間還穿插各種活動,註重情節,構圖疏密有致,富有節奏感和韻律的變化,筆墨章法都很巧妙,頗見功底。這幅畫作對於各種形態的幾何正確描繪性使其負有盛名,也因此被稱之為中國的蒙那麗莎。據香港藝術館� ^長稱,畫中有腳店(豬肉店)、又有正店等的建築物,既能描繪當年的民生,又能把細緻的東西勾畫出來,故宋徽宗酷愛此畫,用"瘦金體"親筆在圖上題寫"清明上河圖"五字。完整的清明上河圖

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